Cannabidiol (or CBD) is a constituent of the hemp plant that is associated with physical healing properties. It works on the body's endocannabinoid system as an agent of equilibrium between the various systems of our bodies. Hemp is said to be the original cultivar of the human species. It was the first plant grown on purpose by humans over 6,000 years ago. It can be used for its strong fiber for cloth, rope, and to feed livestock. My theory is that many of the strange diseases and food allergies that arose in the 20th century are due to the fact that hemp was removed from the food chain in the early 1900's during criminalization efforts. CBD is non-psychoactive unlike it's "neighbor" THC (also found in hemp but in lesser degrees) which is well known for it's psychoactive properties and sometimes can cause adverse effects in the overall experience of the ingestion of cannabis. Such effects as paranoia, anxiety, hallucination, and "time shift" among others can be lessened by the administration of CBD along with THC. You cannot overdose on either CBD or THC.
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